West Dala LLP operates in accordance with generally accepted principles of sustainable development, which implies the satisfaction of the needs of all interested parties in the integrated economic, social and environmental development of the company.
In the sustainable development we are focused on the following principles:
- responsibility for quality, reliability and safety;
- considiration the needs of the population and partners in doing of business;
- the use of environmentally friendly and resource-saving technologies;
- commitment to preserving the life and health of employees.
2022 Sustainability Report.pdf 2022 GHG Verification opinion statement.pdf
- Code of business ethics.pdf
- Business Partner Code Of Conduct.pdf
- Environmental policy.pdf
- Tax strategy.pdf
- Human rights,diversity and equal opportunities policy.pdf
- Anti-corruption policy.pdf
- Policy notification of suspicion of committing violations.pdf
Hotline for interested parties:
- Phone: +7 702 224 18 91
- Email: hotline@westdala.kz