
Treatment by physical and chemical method

  • Modular complex for the treatment of industrial effluents and liquid waste, including oil-containing water, chemically contaminated water, fat-containing water, ground water, bilge water, drilling and stormwater effluents.
  • Unit for the preparation of used oils for further treatment.
  • Chemical waste neutralization site for disposal of hazardous waste properties.


Treatment by the physical and biological method

  • Integrated treatment facility for microbiological treatment and neutralization of sewage water.


Treatment by thermal method

  • Unit for thermal treatment (thermal destruction) of oil-containing waste such as oil sludge, oil-containing soils, oil-containing sediments and bottom sediments, etc.
  • Unit for thermal treatment (incineration) of solid household and industrial wastes, including oil-containing wastes.
  • The complex for environmentally safe high-temperature neutralization and incineration of waste such as solid municipal and industrial waste, drilling and oil production waste, as well as poisons, precursors, toxic substances, flammable liquids, chemical substances, reagents, etc.
  • Hearth incinerator for environmentally safe high-temperature neutralization and incineration of the following wastes: poisons, precursors, toxic substances, flammable liquids, chemical. substances and reagents, other substances other than explosive and radioactive waste.
  • Rotary incinerator for neutralization of liquid waste (including chemical), oil sludge, oily and chemically contaminated soils, drilling sludge, oily sediments, bottom sediments, etc.



  • Unit for thermal demercurization (removal of mercury) from fluorescent lamps of all types, burners of high-pressure mercury lamps of the DRL (Arc mercury luminescent) type, mercury-containing equipment of industrial production, failed mercury-filled devices (thermometers, ignitrons, etc.), mercury-contaminated soils and plaster.



  • Channel presses designed for briquetting sorted plastic, cardboard and paper.


Industrial Shredder

  • Equipment for processing waste: concrete, asphalt, construction waste, wood and scrap metal generated as a result of the production and economic activities of enterprises. Shredding waste allows the same waste to be reused as a replacement for new building materials, thereby reducing their consumption.


Mobile screening and washing plant

  • The mobile screening and washing plant sorts oily soil and can also screen and wash sand and gravel. The equipment is equipped with a high-tech automation system, including the latest Siemens-Schneider electronic components. The installation is controlled only using the tablet controller.