
  • Four facilities in Atyrau Region:

Waste Management Facility (WMF)

The Waste Management Facility is located on the 8th km of the Atyrau-Uralsk highway in the Makhambet district. On the territory of the facility there are areas for receiving, sorting, treatment, and neutralizing various types of industrial and consumer wastes, as well as areas intended for receiving and treatment wastewater.


Integrated Landfill

The Landfill is located on the 38th km of the Atyrau-Dossor highway in the Makat district. The facility is designed for receiving, sorting, treatment, disposal of various types of industrial and consumer wastes, and also provides for a full cycle of wastewater treatment with discharge of treated water to a storage pond or transfer to third party consumers. In 2024, additional infrastructure is planned to be put into operation in this facility.


Tengiz Waste Management Facility (WMF)  

Tengiz WMF is located in the Zhylyoy district of the Atyrau region near the Tengiz oil field. The facility is an operational base for supporting logistics services for the FGP project, as well as for the Base Business activities of Tengizchevroil LLP. In addition, the Tengiz WMF is also a facility for reception and treatment a hazardous industrial waste for clients in Tengiz.


Prorva Waste Management Facility (WMF)

Prorva WMF is located near the Prorva area in the Zhylyoy district of the Atyrau region. On the territory of the facility there are areas for the receiving sorting, treatment of various types of industrial and consumer wastes, for the neutralization of waste sludge, a storage pond for treated wastewater, as well as a complex of treatment facilities designed for the reception and recycling of domestic wastewater. In 2024, it is planned to begin receiving oil sludge and sewage water at the facility for further treatment using the biological method.


  • Two facilities in Mangistau Region:

Uzen Waste Management Facility (WMF)

Uzen WMF is located in the Karakiyansky district near the Uzen deposit. The facility is mainly designed to receive oil-contaminated soil and oil field, and also on the territory of the facility there are areas for receiving, sorting, treatment, and neutralization of various types of industrial and consumer wastes.


Koshanai Waste Management Facility (WMF)

Koshanai WMF is located in Tupkaragansky district, 12 km from Fort Shevchenko town and near the NCOC N.V. Bautino Base. The facility has dedicated areas for receiving, sorting, treatment, neutralization and disposal of various types of industrial and consumer wastes.  Facility has a sewage waste treatment facility and a storage pond for treated sewage water. The facility also has reception and storage pits for drill cuttings and spent drilling fluids. The facility is equipped with an industrial and consumer waste incinerator and thermal treatment units for treatment of oily contaminated wastes.


  • One facility in West Kazakhstan Region:

Usihino Waste Management Facility (WMF)

The Usikhino WMF is located in the Bayterek district. The total area is 6 hectares. The Facility is under redesign and reconstruction.


Development of facilities in other regions is one of the strategic objectives of the company, as the provision of services in the integrated waste management will help to preserve and improve the environment in this area.