How to get your first work experience? This is a question that young professionals have been asking since they were students. In Kazakhstan, this task is now being solved with the participation of state support and private business. An example is the experience of West Dala, which, as part of its social responsibility and in order to implement the new Social Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, provided young specialists with jobs under the "Youth internship" program. In the summer of this year, West Dala hired young specialists recommended by the Labor Mobility Centre for Atyrau region through the Career Centre to work for the company. Such centers are engaged in the implementation of regional employment policies taking into account local specificities. The Atyrau region Akimat and NCOC support the implementation of social programs.

Our team now includes young HSE engineers, a legal adviser, an accountant, an environmental engineer, economists and a logistics specialist. The interns recruited by West Dala meet all the requirements of the "Youth internship" program: registered unemployed, aged under 35, with no work experience in their chosen profession, who have obtained a graduate diploma within the last five years. The duration of the internship will be no more than 12 months, and the salary established by the State program will be paid by the State during this period. "Youth internship" will provide professional experience, self-expression and further employment opportunities.

It is worth noting that West Dala's management is always attentive to the issues of employment of the younger generation, considering it important both for the development of the company and society as a whole. The long-term goal of working with young people is to develop trainees into valuable professionals who can contribute to the development of the waste management industry.


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