On May 25 this year, the Waste Management Facility (WMF) of West Dala was visited by a delegation of representatives of NCOC N.V., environmental NGOs, governmental agencies and universities of Atyrau. The purpose of the visit is to familiarize with the methods and technologies in the waste management of the contractor of NCOC N.V.

West Dala has been working with NCOC N.V. since 2007. The waste and wastewater management system includes a set of measures for the collection, transportation, storage, treatment, neutralization, disposal and landfill of various types of industrial and consumer waste. The partnership between NCOC N.V. and West Dala solves various integrative waste management tasks for the Western Eskene Project and Bautino Base Project.

The Waste Management Facility (WMF), which is located at 8 km of the Atyrau-Uralsk highway in Makhambet district, is equipped with modern equipment for waste and wastewater management. All units at the facility have multistage degrees of exhaust gas purification. Thus, combustion gases from the units are purified and are not harmful to the environment, which is confirmed by the results of monitoring by an accredited laboratory.

At the WMF, the delegation learned in detail about the integrated management chain at the facility: from the organization of waste reception at the weigh station to recycling at the units. Tatiana Sergeeva, chief technologist of West Dala, and Buranbay Kumisbekov, head of the production at the WMF, explained and showed how wastes and liquid waste are cleaned; environmentally safe high-temperature waste neutralization; waste demercurization; recycling of chemical liquid and solid waste, food, medical and other types of waste.

Specialists of the company noted that in order to rationally use natural resources and reduce the load on the atmospheric air, West Dala has been using the heat generated by the incineration of waste thermal method for ten years to heat the premises and the office of the WMF. The facility reuses water that has been treated at the units. For example, such technical water is used to operate equipment and for dust suppression on the site.

Representatives from West Dala responded in detail to all of the visitors' questions about the work of the WMF, and shared information regarding issues relevant to the waste management industry, which is an important part of the system of environmental well-being.



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