August 3, 2023                                                                                              Atyrau





On July 31, 2023, West Dala joined the leading voluntary initiative in sustainable development – the UN Global Compact, which unites over 22.6 thousand companies and organizations from around the world. Please visit: https://unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/159355-West-Dala-LLP

West Dala LLP is the first Kazakhstan integrated waste management company to become a full member of this prestigious international association. Thus, West Dala LLP demonstrates its desire to comply with the best practices of transparent, ethical, and fair business conduct based on the principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of labor rights, human rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption.

Mr. Kairat Salakhadenov, West Dala General Director: "Being one of the leaders in the area of integrated waste management in the Republic of Kazakhstan and a responsible employer, our company has embarked on a phased corporate ESG transformation to increase its long-term significance for all stakeholders, expand its practical contribution to the prosperity of the regions of operation and to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The accession of West Dala to the UN Global Compact is a long–term strategic step. Its ten principles become an integral part of our corporate culture and business practices. I am convinced that joining the UN Global Compact will allow the Company to gain access to new competencies and knowledge, exchange experience fruitfully and develop effective cooperation with the international business community to address various social and environmental challenges."


Additional information: West Dala LLP has been implementing integrated waste management since 2005, introducing advanced international and domestic experience. The Company has 7 own large waste management facilities, including landfills and specialized equipment in Atyrau, Mangystau and West Kazakhstan regions. In 2022, West Dala was awarded the Kazakhstan public award "Leader in Industrial Waste Management".


West Dala LLP Press service


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