Take a kid to work

“Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” conducted a social project “Take a kid to the work.”

West Dala Company participated in this project and invited Elaman Nurtaza, a 7th grade schoolboy of  “NIS”. During the working day Elaman interviewed employees, and based on the results of this interview, wrote a paper about the time spent in West Dala. Respondents from the Company were: Buranbay Kumisbekov – Project Manager; Assel Ermasheva – Oil & Gas Sector Department Coordinator; Indira Medetova – Head of Marketing Department and Bibigul Hassanova – Accountant. Thanks to the project, Elaman learned not only about what does “work” mean, but also got an insight of the scope of work, current projects, future directions, as well as corporate policy of West Dala.

Participation in such social projects gives us the opportunity to contribute to the education and development of young generation. Such projects help teenagers in realizing the importance of further successful studies, gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to facilitate their work in the future, and last but not least understanding what merits they must have to successfully work in a team.

In the future, our Company plans to take part in such social projects.

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