The Victory of a Young Boxer

This season, West Dala supported the young boxer Bekzad Nurdauletov, who participated in the "IBA Champions’ Night” tournament on April 27th in Almaty. It is important to note that this year the status of the competition has been elevated: while previously the fights were considered exhibition matches, now the Almaty tournament is listed in the boxers' profiles on, meaning it will count towards their professional record.

In this competition, Bekzad Nurdauletov decisively defeated boxer Luis Antonio Tejeda from the Dominican Republic. Thanks to Bekzad's professionalism, determination, and skill, our logo on the athlete's jersey became a symbol of victory and celebration of boxing at this tournament! He personally expressed his gratitude to the General Director of West Dala LLP, Kairat Salahadenov, for his assistance in preparing for the tournament.

                                       We congratulate Bekzad Nurdauletov and wish him further victories!


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