SDG Pioneers

Positive impact.

The UN Global Compact on Sustainable Development has ambitious goals that are being made a reality thanks to people. The scale of such personalities is great, as they have an impact on the events and lives of other people. The SDG Pioneers competition - The Pioneers of Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan is dedicated to such people. The UN event was held in Kazakhstan for the first time in order to recognize the merits of business representatives who make a significant contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The coordinator of the Health Protection Service, Gaukhar Beketayeva, a volunteer and sports activist, was nominated for this competition from West Dala. She is known in the company as a participant in running marathons and the creator of the running club "Runclub Atyrau". By her example, Gaukhar was able to captivate many employees of the company with sports, thereby promoting the topic of preserving health and well-being as one of the sustainable development goals of the UN Global Compact. We thank Gaukhar Beketayeva for her activism and encourage everyone to develop and achieve goals that change other people's lives for the better!


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At the largest Forum in Central Asia on waste management and recycling, “Green Energy & Waste Recycling” (GEWR), the ideas, successful experiences, and the best technologies for disposal and recycling of industrial and consumer wastes were discussed.

On the first day of October, our company happily participated in an event dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons. On this special day, we supported six wonderful people from the KGU “Center for Active Longevity and Home Social Services for Pensioners and People with Disabilities.”

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This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Makat District in Atyrau Region – a center of the oil industry, railway transportation, and the transportation of oil and gas.