The press conference on March 14th in Astana was dedicated the integrating ESG principles into corporate practices in waste management, and it was announced that the first company in Kazakhstan, West Dala was received an international ESG rating in waste management from S&P Global. The headquarter of the company based in Atyrau. "Throughout our 19 years of operation, we have adhered to the principles of sustainable development, paying significant attention to the environmental and social aspects," said Dias Khabiyev, Corporate Development Director of West Dala. It's important to note that this marks a significant step towards sustainable development in a region with complex environmental challenges, thereby increasing business responsibility and making the industry more attractive to investors.

The press conference was held as part of a strategic meeting with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the RoK, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders, where they discussed the transformation of waste management systems into a circular economy and the adoption of ESG principles by businesses. These efforts are particularly relevant for achieving the country's targets outlined in the Concept for Transition to a Green Economy and the Sustainability Goals. The meeting was a part of the Ministry's and the business community's efforts to promote sustainability and improve the environmental situation in the country.

Vera Mustafina, a member of the Council for Transition to a Green Economy and an Executive Director of the Kazakhstan Waste Management Association (KazWaste), noted that waste management companies are constantly enhancing their expertise. The awarding of an ESG rating to West Dala, the first company in this field, underscores a new milestone in waste management development in Kazakhstan, demonstrating a commitment to more effective and sustainable environmental protection and development.

Yuliya Yakupbayeva, Chairperson of the Council for Sustainability and ESG at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, highlighted the gradual expansion of ESG principles to importers and financial organizations, which are imposing new requirements on their borrowers. To coordinate and successfully implement ESG principles in business practices, the Sustainability Council was established at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs.

"We aim for our country to produce genuine leaders in sustainability," Yakupbayeva said. Therefore, it's particularly encouraging that a waste management company has received an ESG rating for the first time. This step heralds a new era in business development in Kazakhstan and underscores our readiness for sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship.


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