
In Astana the Public Council meeting of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held.


Meeting agenda: “The potential of non-governmental and international organizations on the issues of waste management.”

Participants of the meeting:

1. From the Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan – Vladimir Sergeyevich Shkolnik (Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and Ahsambiev Talgat Abdikaimovich (Deputy Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
2. From RPE representatives and socialy-owned organizations – Eleusizov Mels Khamzaevich (Chairman of Ecological Union “Tabigat”); Ahmetzhanova Bayan Temirtaskyzy; Iztleuova Shynar Ormanbekova; Bragin Alexander etc.
3. From «West Dala» LLP – Indira Medetova (Head of Business Development and new projects).

Speakers of the meeting:

1. Mustafina Vera Vladilenovna, Executive Director of Kazakhstan Association of Waste Management «KazWaste» – Participation of non-governmental organizations in the development of the RoK legislation in the field of waste management. ”

2. Gor Nina Viktorovna, UNDP projects expert – UNDP projects on chemical safety and hazardous waste.

3. Medetova Indira Bolatovna, Head of Business Development and New Projects («West Dala» LLP) – Problems and prospects of development of the recycling industry.

4. Tereshkevich Dmitriy Petrovich, Director of IPO “Institute of human health” – Report on the public environmental hearings on the topic: “Energy-efficient, energy-saving environmentally friendly technologies.”

5. Zikrina Zulfira Almazovna, Director of “Centre of Sustainable Production and Consumption” – Report on monitoring the effectiveness of the activities carried out to implement the programs and projects to achieve sustainable production and consumption in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Report on the preparation of ecological and energy ratings of the enterprises of Kazakhstan.

6. Dushkina Julia, Specialist of the “Cooperation for Sustainable Development of Kazakhstan” Center – Report on the public awareness on the introduction of separate waste collection in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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