West Dala female employees claimed a prizes in the Atyrau Marathon ICE RACE 2024 winter race last weekend!

Gauhar Beketayeva, a Specialist of Health and Safety Department, won the 2nd place, and Aymzhan Nurmukhanova, a Chemical Technologist, won the 3rd place. It is not the first time when our beautiful sportswomen participate in such marathons, improving their performance every time. The prizes from Atyrau Marathon at the ICE RACE 2024 race are particularly valuable considering the bad weather and winter marathon conditions. "It was slippery and windy on the way back, the pace was off, but we managed," the colleagues reported. By the way, Atyrau marathon runners ran a distance of 5 kilometers at a temperature of -2C.

We are proud of the prize-winning places of our colleagues; we wish them a good health and further victories!



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