Clean-up activities "LET'S SAVE NATURE TOGETHER!"

Traditionally, at the beginning of the new spring season, clean-up activities are held at West Dala facilities. This year, at "Tengiz" WMF and the entire surrounding area, such an event with the participation of engineering staff and employees took place in April. Clean-up was done both inside and outside the Base on both sides of the Kara-Arna Road. Before clean-up activities, according to the safe work principles, there was a toolbox talk on safety rules, including the hazards of scorpions, spiders, and snakes. The participants were divided into eight groups of four, and the work began! Throughout clean-up activities, garbage and waste were collected, segregated by type, and sent for recycling and disposal.

During clean-up activities, the challenge "LET'S SAVE NATURE TOGETHER!" was launched for other company facilities: further on, "Tengiz" WMF is passing the baton to “Prorva” WFM.


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