West Dala company once again confirmed compliance with requirements of international standards as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 as it passed audit successfully. The audit was performed at the facility in Mangistau region by Intertek independent certified authority. “During April a large-scale audit took place in all areas of the company's activities. During the audit nonconformities had not been revealed and mature and developed approach to work had been marked upon many indications” – IMS manager Assem Sarsengaliyeva had commented results of check. Also she had noted that such results are able to be achieved only when all principles of quality management and involvement of all personnel are applied.




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Our colleagues Ainagul Sagiyeva and Assyl Temirtasova visited 4L class at BINOM SCHOOL named after D. Kunayev to conduct an open ecology lesson.

West Dala participated in the 12th annual "KazOilGasService-2025" conference in Atyrau. This is a key event in Kazakhstan’s oilfield services industry, organized by the KazService Union of Oilfield Service Companies.

the “Eco-Partnership” forum was organized by KPO B.V. During the event, key environmental challenges, the 2024 annual results, and opportunities for further cooperation in environmental protection were discussed.

Starting this year, West Dala has become a member of Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas Council, "PetroCouncil". This association focuses on developing local content in Kazakhstan's oil and gas sector.