West Dala has introduced the practice of regular meetings with employees at all company facilities and projects. At such meetings, issues related to industrial relations are discussed in an open dialog mode: working conditions, living conditions, relationships, labor protection, labor legislation. Regular meetings with representatives from Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Health and Safety Service and the Occupational Health and Safety Department were held in January this year at the Integrated Landfill, Eskene West, Koshanai WMF, Tengiz WMF, Prorva WMF. The most actual issues and topics were raised at meetings with employees and the working committee.

It should be noted that responsible persons for industrial relations always maintain feedback with employees. Such communication is one of the tools that allows softly communicating with employees, increasing their involvement in work processes, developing professional qualities and preventing any labor disputes and conflicts.



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Our colleagues Ainagul Sagiyeva and Assyl Temirtasova visited 4L class at BINOM SCHOOL named after D. Kunayev to conduct an open ecology lesson.

West Dala participated in the 12th annual "KazOilGasService-2025" conference in Atyrau. This is a key event in Kazakhstan’s oilfield services industry, organized by the KazService Union of Oilfield Service Companies.

the “Eco-Partnership” forum was organized by KPO B.V. During the event, key environmental challenges, the 2024 annual results, and opportunities for further cooperation in environmental protection were discussed.

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