At the largest Forum in Central Asia on waste management and recycling, “Green Energy & Waste Recycling” (GEWR), the ideas, successful experiences, and the best technologies for disposal and recycling of industrial and consumer wastes were discussed. The main goal of the Forum is to exchange experiences and build a platform for future cooperation to implement the green economy concept. One of the important moments at the Forum was the presentation of the Concept for the Development of Environmental Culture for 2024-2029, aimed at raising public awareness about proper waste management.

“In today’s world, addressing the pressing issue of climate change has become a priority. At the beginning of 2023, we became participants in the UN Global Compact, and we also received a very high ESG rating, which was noted at the Forum,” said Svetlana Satanova, Environmental Protection Manager at West Dala LLP.

Representatives of government bodies, natural resource companies, industry and specialized associations, agencies, experts, and mass media attended the GEWR Forum. According to the Forum participants, all the relevant issues raised during the discussions will be considered when making long-term decisions.




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On the first day of October, our company happily participated in an event dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons. On this special day, we supported six wonderful people from the KGU “Center for Active Longevity and Home Social Services for Pensioners and People with Disabilities.”

The KIOGE exhibition is a prestigious platform for presenting innovative technologies and key trends in the oil and gas industry.

More than 200 participants from the public and private sectors, industry and specialized Associations, as well as experts and deputies took a participation at the large-scale environmental forum VII “Uralsk Green Forum” in Uralsk City . The delegates from West Dala participated in the Forum to learn the experience and opportunities for implementing the best available technologies.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Makat District in Atyrau Region – a center of the oil industry, railway transportation, and the transportation of oil and gas.