First general meeting of members of the Kazakhstan Association

West Dala participated in the first general meeting of members of the Kazakhstan Association of Waste Management «KazWaste».

«KazWaste» association was created in 2013 in order to help businesses, public authorities and the public in addressing issues and problems arising in the implementation of activities in the field of waste management. The Association’s activities aimed at solving problems in a professional field of waste in Kazakhstan involving innovative technologies in compliance with international standards, which will strengthen the balance between environment and economy. Association’s work will help to protect the interests of industry, government and the population.

To date, the Association unites over 20 legal entities consisting of a number of specialized facilities connected with the processing and disposal of municipal and industrial waste, including paper, plastic , tires, old electronics , oily waste and other types of waste, as well as enterprises on production of secondary raw materials.

At the meeting, members of the Association have identified the main problems in the field of waste management and developed the strategic direction of the Association in the context of the Concept on transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the “green economy” and also discussed a proposal to amend the national legislation in the field of waste management.

Association members were debriefed its accomplished work for 2013, discussed the work plan for 2014, membership fees were approved and Board members were selected.

Below are the following board members:

1.  Andreev Konstantin Valeriyevich – “HELP – Ecoil” executive director.

2 . Muldashev Damir Kayrgalievich – “UralEnergostroi” director.

3 . Malihin Alexander Evgeniyevich – “Souz Plast” director.

4 . Makhambet Idar Kenesbekovich – “Kazakhstan Rubber Recycling” director.

5 . Michaylichenko Alexander Dmitriyevich – “Ekolaynsport” commercial director.

6. Salakhadenov Kairat Shamenovich – «West Dala» director.

7. Tomas Mateos Verner – “Kazakhstan Kagazy” executive director.

From the Board members were elected: Chairman of the Board – Makhambet Idar Kenesbekovich, co-chair of the Board – Tomas Mateos Verner. Mustafina Vera Vladilenovna was approved as an Executive Director of the Association (“Promoting of sustainable development of RoK” Centre).

The first General Assembly revealed that members of the “KazWaste” Association are full of determination and ready to work actively for the development of the waste management industry.

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