Until recently, the process of cleaning oil tanks from oil sludge was carried out manually by West Dala specialists: it was necessary to enter the oil tank, having previously prepared a ventilation system with clean air supplied through a separate line. But now, after purchasing an automated tank cleaning system, all work completely eliminates the presence of a person inside the tank, both during its cleaning and during installation and dismantling of equipment.

As part of automated cleaning, at the first stage a closed tank cleaning system is used, consisting of three blocks: washer, filtration unit, main unit. The system is designed to remove sludge from oil and chemical storage facilities by controlled circulation of fluid flows at high speed through controlled washer nozzles. With this system, solid sludge is liquefied so that it can be pumped out of the tank. At the second stage, a mechanized, remotely controlled tank cleaning system is connected, allowing operators to more precisely clean oil and chemical tanks without the need to involve workers.

At the next stage, the oil sludge pumped out of the tank is sent to a decateration unit, where all oil sludge is separated into three fractions by centrifugation: oil, water, sludge. The oil is transferred to the customer, the remaining fractions are sent for disposal. The commissioning of such equipment will significantly speed up and improve the quality of cleaning the tanks of the company’s Clients, and most importantly, will make the tank cleaning process safer for humans.


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