West Dala participates in the SDG Ambition program, an educational course developed by UN experts to integrate the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the strategic and operational activities of companies. SDG Ambition program is the first stand-alone educational track for Central Asian countries. Our ambassador in the SDG Ambition program is Dias Khabiyev, Director of Corporate Development at West Dala.

“West Dala representatives are working on setting an ambitious goal and a program to implement it. I am confident that participation in the accelerator will facilitate ESG transformation and help integrate SDGs into its operations, which will improve West Dala's financial performance and investment attractiveness”, – Dias Khabiyev notes.
The training takes place from October 2023 to March 2024 and is free of charge for West Dala as a member of the UN Global Compact.


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