West Dalа has adopted a "Human Rights, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy" in 2023. The issue of human rights protection is an important one for the company, so it is also reflected in other internal regulatory documents. In order to develop this area, in December last year, a representative of West Dala participated in the "Business and Human Rights" training. The training was organized within the framework of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). One of the important messages of the training is "A good business is not one that has no human rights risks, but one that knows how to detect and minimize them". The following areas are relevant for companies in this area: the right to life; the right not to be subjected to servitude or forced labor; the right to equality before the law, equal protection, non-discrimination; the right to access to effective remedies; the right to privacy. All UN human rights principles are taken into account by the company and implemented in business processes.



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Our colleagues Ainagul Sagiyeva and Assyl Temirtasova visited 4L class at BINOM SCHOOL named after D. Kunayev to conduct an open ecology lesson.

West Dala participated in the 12th annual "KazOilGasService-2025" conference in Atyrau. This is a key event in Kazakhstan’s oilfield services industry, organized by the KazService Union of Oilfield Service Companies.

the “Eco-Partnership” forum was organized by KPO B.V. During the event, key environmental challenges, the 2024 annual results, and opportunities for further cooperation in environmental protection were discussed.

Starting this year, West Dala has become a member of Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas Council, "PetroCouncil". This association focuses on developing local content in Kazakhstan's oil and gas sector.