As part of the preparation of the document "West Dala's 2022 GHG Inventory Report", a training course for employees has been conducted. During the workshop, the company's specialists familiarized themselves with the methods of GHG emissions assessment (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3) in accordance with the international GHG Protocol methodology. "Assessment as well as subsequent reduction of GHG emissions is important in today's environment, as we are constantly faced with changing weather conditions that directly and indirectly affect production activities," notes Svetlana Satanova, West Dala's Environmental Protection Manager.

She said that Environment, Society, Corporate Governance is a business strategy that implies respect for nature, company employees and society. In Kazakhstan, the sustainability of companies has come to be assessed through the quality of growth and the ability to create long-term value for stakeholders, including the environment, rather than only through profits and other financial indicators. An increasing number of investors are considering the environmental and social impact of a company when making decisions about investing in it.

It is important that not only ecologists, but a wide range of company specialists attended the workshop to learn how to assess GHG emissions.


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