We have already introduced you to the students of Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebayev, with whom West Dala has been implementing a dual training system program since last autumn. A January meeting of West Dala tutors, students and mentors from the university to summarize the interim results of the training showed that the program is working effectively.

Aiymzhan Nurmukhanova, chemical technologist of West Dala, is satisfied with her mentees: "Together with students we go for walkdowns around the area, we carried out measurements with a gas analyzer, we showed them how we receive and check waste". The technologists also explained to the students the principle of operation of the plants at the WMF and visited the Integrated Landfill.

Work is also being carried out by the company's power engineers. Kabdel Mukhtar, Chief Power Engineer of West Dala, told at the meeting that at WMF, students are already assembling simple circuits and models after learning theory. West Dala mechanical engineer Roman Kairanbayev positively assesses the work with trainees. “We show them how to work with tools, how to hold a position. The students mainly interact with the senior operators of the rotary incinerator unit. We also explained how an air compressor works and gave an assignment on learning the material. Their eyes are shining, they have a desire to learn new things”, - Roman says.

The tripartite meeting initiated by West Dala's Human Resource and Industrial Relations Department was highly appreciated by the university representatives. With this approach, the dual education process will maximize the benefits for students as future professionals in the waste management industry.


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