In response to the post and video of Baubek Gumarov dated March 28, 2022 in the Voice of the People group on the Facebook social network, West Dala LLP reports the following:

The problem of waste, mainly SDW (solid domestic waste), which is distributed along the Atyrau-Uralsk highway, does exist.

However, the accusation against West Dala LLP is unreasonable for a number of reasons:

  • West Dala LLP’s facility that is WMF (Waste Management Facility) is located 200 meters from the Atyrau-Uralsk highway. There is no landfill at this site! WMF consists of a hangar with a sorting shop and equipment on which waste is sorted and briquetted. All waste, including SDW, enters the WMF in closed containers, passes through the weighing room, and then is delivered to a closed hangar for sorting in the workshop. Even paper waste, which may be located on the territory of the WMF, is tightly pressed into briquettes, in accordance with the established norms of the Environmental Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Thus, all wastes of West Dala LLP at the WMF are in a closed space;
  • The nearest urban landfill from the WMF is 500 meters away. The landfill is the property of SpetsAvtobaza LLP and has nothing to do with West Dala LLP. The landfill is fenced with a chain-link mesh, waste is sorted in open areas, in connection with which the garbage is carried to the nearby area.
  • All debris blown by the wind during the hurricane from March 27th to 29th on the adjacent territory of West Dala LLP was removed on March 30th. Photos are attached. However, the wind blows all the garbage (mainly plastic bags) from time to time into the cleared area.


Press Service, West Dala LLP

Saltanat Zhundibaeva






Read more:

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