West Dala promotes the integrated waste management in various ways. One of them is the training and mentoring of future industry professionals. By the end of the year, it is planned to realize the Agreement with Atyrau Oil and Gas University named after Safi Utebayev on co-operation on implementation of dual training system of personnel at the production facilities of West Dala.

The practice will be attended by the students who are studying automation and production management; transport technologies; industrial power engineering; chemical technologies of organic substances; machinery and equipment of oil and gas industry; design and operation of oil and gas pipelines and oil and gas storage facilities onshore and offshore; industrial and civil construction; life safety and environmental protection; info-communication systems and networks; security; and oil and gas business economics.

“A working meeting was held in September between University faculty and West Dala staff to discuss all phases of the Agreement's implementation. Each student will have an individualized study plan and at least twice a week students will have a practice in our company”, - said Assyl Temirtasova, Deputy Head of West Dala's Human Resources and Industrial Relations Department. The undeniable advantage of the dual system will be the acquisition by students of theoretical and practical professional knowledge and skills in the waste management.

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