According to the "Kiyeli meken" ("Sacred Place") the plan for historical sites and natural monuments within the framework of the national environmental campaign "Taza Qazaqstan," West Dala employees conducted a clean-up day in the Kenderli district in April of this year. Equipped with tools, our colleagues from the Uzen waste management facility (WMF) and the Mangistau office cleared a large area of the seashore. The company provided a loader and a dump truck for the clean-up, which were filled with solid household waste, mainly consisting of plastic bags and empty plastic bottles, within half a day. All waste was transported to the city landfill in coordination with the campaign organizers.

Similar clean-up days are held annually in a various natural area, and our colleagues are always at the forefront. We help to make our homeland better, so we want to remind everyone: "It's not clear where they clean, but where they don't litter." When going on picnics, please remember to clean up after yourselves. Let's preserve our land for future generations!


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In honor of World Environment Day and as part of the national "Taza Qazaqstan" campaign, the Department of Ecology of Mangistau Region awarded a group of local environmental activists and company representatives.

West Dala has contributed by installing 20 containers with a capacity of 8 cubic meters for the removal of household waste from homes affected by the flood.

The children it is the happiness and laughter, skinned knees and a world of discoveries. Every child needs a love, care and protection, that’s why the Children's Day was established for the first time in 1950.