Let's Support the Children!

The children it is the happiness and laughter, skinned knees and a world of discoveries. Every child needs a love, care and protection, that’s why the Children's Day was established for the first time in 1950. The UN supports this holiday, emphasizing that its main goal is to protect the rights, lives, and health of the children.

West Dala celebrate this day with two social projects. Ahead of June 1st, the company provided a financial assistance to the employees who has children under 18 years with a special care. The children with disabilities in Group I received 80,000 tenge, Group II received 65,000 tenge, and Group III received 50,000 tenge.

The support was also provided to the children of the Almaly rural district in Atyrau. According to the Akim's (the head of a district government) list, the representative of West Dala personally in the concert hall of the rural club gave the certificates to the "Detsky Mir" shope. The remaining seven certificates were given to a District Akim Gulshat Aukhadiyeva for home delivery to the children.

We wish all children good health and well-being!


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