August it is the hottest time of preparation to the school. All Kazakhstani people comes to help poor families to be ready for the September 1. There is a charity event “The way to school” in the Country. This year it was held under the motto “The territory of happy childhood” and was timed to the 25 Anniversary Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Each of us could take a direct part in it, and all collected money went for the buying a school supplies.
Annually about 300 thousand of Kazakhstani schoolchildren are experiencing some difficulties before the beginning of the school year. Their parents are unable to provide their children with the necessary things as books, stationery, clothes and shoes. But the way for the low-income families exists. In the framework of the campaign “The way to school” children have acquired all the necessary goods.
And every year, our Company is also making a contribution to the Charity activities to the needy municipal enterprises and families, in the framework of this campaign the Company took part in several organizations, such as BKF “Fund of support of children with disabilities, Atyrau Akimat of Tupkaragan district, Mangistau region etc.