Transition to BAT principles. The transition to BAT (best available technology) principles is one of the important topics of concern to both the waste management industry and the entire business community. After the introduction of the new Environmental Code, the question of whether the BAT is really available in Kazakhstan has become relevant. The participants at the GEWR-2022 Forum in Nur-Sultan discussed the international experience on BAT, the scope of the guidebook, and whether technical re-equipment of enterprises is possible in today's environment. In particular, it was noted that it took more than 5 years to introduce BAT principles in the European Union, while the state and private business found a compromise on financing.

The most important message for business was the message from the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan about the probable extension of the deadline for the implementation of BAT principles by introducing amendments to the Environmental Code.

Also during the panel discussion further recommendations were made: to support the development of BAT reference materials in the waste management, to take into account the best practices of EU countries in its development, as well as to ensure the participation of all stakeholders in the development of BAT reference materials. West Dala welcomes all of the BAT decisions made at GEWR-2022 and will facilitate their implementation in the process.



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