Let us congratulate you with the 25th of NCOC N.V. Anniversary! For a quarter of a century the great Organization   works only for the good of the Country,  multiplying the wealth of the people!  25-year-old of NCOC N.V.

Anniversary – this is an excellent occasion to say thank you to the numerous staff of the company, who put their experience and knowledge into the        development of the Company. From the bottom of our heart we would like to wish you further successful prosperity, realization of your ambitious ideas, bright achievements and breakthroughs!

Cooperation with NCOC N.V. is the one of the important areas of our work. We are sure that fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation between our companies will only develop!


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West Dala participated in the 12th annual "KazOilGasService-2025" conference in Atyrau. This is a key event in Kazakhstan’s oilfield services industry, organized by the KazService Union of Oilfield Service Companies.

the “Eco-Partnership” forum was organized by KPO B.V. During the event, key environmental challenges, the 2024 annual results, and opportunities for further cooperation in environmental protection were discussed.

Starting this year, West Dala has become a member of Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas Council, "PetroCouncil". This association focuses on developing local content in Kazakhstan's oil and gas sector.

As a TCO contractor, West Dala has been providing services for the construction of the TGP since 2019. To implement this project, our company established WMF "Tengiz" as a support base for waste management services within the Future Growth Project (FGP) and the Wellhead Pressure Management Project (WPMP).

Attention to detail and a proactive approach to safety help prevent risks and create reliable working conditions at West Dala sites. This responsible attitude towards occupational safety helped the Bautino project team secure an honorable 3rd place among all NCOC N.V. sites (Kashagan, Western Eskene, Bautino) for the best positive Safer!