Who works at West Dala? Strong professionals and experts in their sphere. There are 1054 such people in our company! 79.51% of them are men. There are 701 residents of Atyrau region in the team, as well as representatives of 13 more regions of Kazakhstan. To learn more, see the collective portrait of the West Dala company on the slider.



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We are very pleased to inform you that West Dala, based on the results of its work in 2023, was awarded for the best indicators of SMMV (Safe management of motor vehicles) on the part of the Customer - TCO company.

West Dala's driver, Rishat Imashev, was featured at the quarterly Drivers Forum organized by NCOC due to his high performance on IVMS reports and commitment to safe driving.

Nauryz was solemnly welcomed in the Kuryk district center. Artists from the region performed at the festive concert, and young people competed in traditional sports such as sheep raising, archery, and asyks.

West Dala Company participated in the international environmental campaign "Earth Hour"